Wednesday, November 08, 2006

King's Canyon

My brother David and I went backpacking last summer in King's Canyon, CA. For those of you who have not been there, you should go. It is positively epic. We walked 72 miles in 10 days, crossed over 2 passes of greater than 12,000' elevation, and in general had a grand ole time. We learned that ultralight backpacking is where it's AT, that you CAN get your pack under 25 lbs including food, that trout caught at 10,000' are REALLY tasty, and a number of other lessons. David took awesome pictures. I left lots of clothes in the backcountry (long story), and we met several wonderful folks along the way. The thing I love about hiking with David is that we always laugh at each other, and even though we're 11 years different in age, we never run out of things to discuss. Perhaps that means we both talk too much. Nah.


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