Thursday, August 25, 2005

worlds day 4

Day 4 of the worlds dawned grey and stormy. We thought this would result in good system driven wind but were sorely mistaken. It was cold and rainy but not particularly windy. Team Ötzis performance continued to be mediocre at best. We are not fast in the light breeze.

The bummer of the day was that we got sandwiched in a leeward mark collision and our boat was damaged. A hole was punched in the outer skin. We protested the outside boat for not giving enough room under rule 18.2, and the jury found that we were in the right and the other boat was disqualified. This is good because it means that we don't need to worry about paying for the repair, but protesting is not fun and it really put the damper on an otherwise nice day.

Two shots of the hole in Team Ötzis boat. This fleet has been really bad about violating rule 18.2. Lots of folks have been talking about it. Normally its not an issue in 5o5 fleets because the boats are expensive and difficult to fix, but here its a real problem.


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